Humans aren’t the only ones who benefit from adding supplements to their diet. Pets benefit from added nutritional support to help them look and feel great. 11:43:372021-12-02 13:18:36Everything you didn’t know about Omega’s.
Our NZ King Salmon Oil for pets is some of the freshest and purest salmon oil on the planet. Made in Nelson, it contains no additives, preservatives or other nasties – just pure NZ King Salmon Oil. 11:42:532021-12-02 13:18:43Health Benefits of NZ King Salmon Oil
As pets age, the importance of essential fatty acids and essential amino acids becomes more apparent. Essential omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, found in fatty fish help to fight degenerative disease due to their anti-inflammatory properties. 11:46:032021-12-02 13:19:09The Benefits of Omega-3s and Omega-6s in Your Pet’s Diet
King Salmon Oil – The Superfood Supplement
Humans aren’t the only ones who benefit from adding supplements to their diet. Pets benefit from added nutritional support to help them look and feel great.
Everything you didn’t know about Omega’s.
There’s no secret we’re passionate about what the right quantity and balance of omega 3’s and 6’s can do for your pets health!
Health Benefits of NZ King Salmon Oil
Our NZ King Salmon Oil for pets is some of the freshest and purest salmon oil on the planet. Made in Nelson, it contains no additives, preservatives or other nasties – just pure NZ King Salmon Oil.
Cats, Kidney Problems and Omega’s
One in three cats will experience kidney disease at some point in their lifetime, so it’s safe to say it’s a common problem in our feline friends!
Older Pets and Marine-based Omega 3’s
As pets age, the importance of essential fatty acids and essential amino acids becomes more apparent. Essential omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, found in fatty fish help to fight degenerative disease due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
The Benefits of Omega-3s and Omega-6s in Your Pet’s Diet
Is your pet a significant member of your family? As pet owners, we do everything we can to help them lead a healthy lifestyle!